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Widden Primary School

Curriculum Overview

Widden Primary School Curriculum Vision

At Widden Primary School we are developing a knowledge rich curriculum which is engaging and exciting, that celebrates our unique and diverse community. Our school values: integrity, diversity and sense of community are imbedded within our school curriculum allowing our children to develop as a whole child not just academically.

Our curriculum is deep-rooted in our belief that every child should be able to access high-quality learning, supporting pupil achievement. Every child is entitled to an education which enables them to achieve a fulfilled future. Our curriculum is based on the progression of key knowledge, skills and concepts outlined in the National Curriculum. We believe in adaptive teaching to meet the needs of all learners. This knowledge is taught sequentially through stimulating and engaging topics which weave knowledge, facts and concepts to captivate and inspire so that our children know more and remember more.

Diversity: The richness of our diversity enables us to delve into a wide range of cultural and historical aspects of life.

Community: Our community is at the heart of what we do, our children develop a strong understanding of the world around them, local and further afield.

Integrity: Through the curriculum the children develop the qualities of honesty, good decision-making and a lifelong love of learning, developing the skills necessary for next phase in their lives.

  • The National Curriculum for Primary Schools (2014)
    This is the National Curriculum for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two in England. It is a statutory requirement to follow the National Curriculum and this document underpins our curriculum here at Widden.

Widden Primary School Foundation Stage Statement 

Early Years Vision

We are committed to providing the best possible early education for all our children in Greenshaw Learning Trust.

The unique child

We want our children to be independent thinkers and effective communicators who are capable, confident and self-assured. We want our children to be constantly developing their curiosity and resilience whilst learning to be strong through positive relationships where there is equality of opportunity for all. 

Enabling environments

We believe in providing all children with a safe and stimulating environment that builds on each individual’s wants, needs and interests. We value the importance of our outdoor and indoor environments and believe that these offer children the opportunity to think creatively and critically and develop problem solving skills. 

Learning and development

Our children have the opportunity to learn through play. Learning will be active, engaging and suitably challenging; recognising that children develop and learn at different rates.

Adults provide high quality interactions, are role models for learning, teach children skills and provide experiences which ensure their well-being and success now and in the future. Fundamental to this is consistently high quality learning opportunities that develop a rich vocabulary, practise and review skills and knowledge so that what children know, can remember and do is strong. Our children benefit from strong partnerships between all adults and parents/carers. 

Our EYFS provision is built upon Widden Primary core values of ASPIRE: Achieve, Resilient, Progressive, Community, Diversity, and Equity. We believe every child is unique and capable of achieving their full potential within a nurturing and stimulating environment.

By embedding the ASPIRE values and providing high-quality provision, we aim to create a learning environment where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired to become lifelong learners. We celebrate diversity and promote equity, ensuring that all children have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential within our inclusive community. Our progressive approach ensures that we are constantly evolving and adapting our practice to meet the changing needs of our children and the wider world. We strive to develop resilient learners who are confident and equipped to achieve their dreams.

Structure of the EYFS

At the Greenshaw Learning Trust, our Reception classes have capacity for thirty children in either one or two Reception classes depending on each school PAN. These classes follow the structure of the school day.

Our Pre Schools cater for children from the term after their third birthday. Children who are two years old who turn three in the academic year attend our nursery class

Each child is entitled to a government funded space of up to 15 hours and this can be taken as five morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions. Session times run from  8:45am – 11:45am or 12:30 – 3:30pm


Our early years setting follows the curriculum as outlined in the latest EYFS statutory framework.

The EYFS framework includes 7 areas of learning and development that are equally important and inter-connected. 3 areas, known as the prime areas, are seen as particularly important for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building children’s capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

The prime areas are:

·  Communication and language

·  Physical development

·  Personal, social and emotional development

The prime areas are strengthened and applied through 4 specific areas:

·  Literacy

·  Mathematics

·  Understanding the world

·  Expressive arts and design