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Widden Primary School

Year 1


Welcome to year 1, we are very excited to see all the amazing progress each child will make this year. Your year 1 teachers this year are, Miss Ali and Miss Judge.

We are kicking off the first term in year 1 with our 'All things wild' topic this year, we will be exploring dinosaurs and wild animals through our History and Writing topics. We can't wait to share our learning with you.

We have a range of texts this term to explore our All things wild topic. There's a tiger in the garden explores different creatures being in Grandma's garden, this will certainly make the children giggle.

Arlo - is all about a lion who just cannot sleep, we will be innovating and changing this story to make our own version.

Little Red Riding Hood is a classic that the children are sure to love writing about and creating wanted posters for the naughty wolf.

PE days 

Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays

Children should wear P.E. kit (white t-shirt and black tracksuit or leggings), green jumper if it is cold) on PE days. 

Home learning

Home reading books should be brought to school daily. Please listen to your child read every day.


Please email your child's teacher if you have any questions, queries or concerns.

Class Teachers can also be reached via Class Dojo.

Miss Ali - (Rosen)

Miss Judge - (Butterworth)