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Widden Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome to Term 4! Our topic this term is Explosive! In Science, we will be exploring animals including humans, while in Geography we will be looking at the key aspects of mountains and volcanoes.


In writing we will be reading Tom’s Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce

Tom is sent away to stay with his aunt and uncle for the summer holidays. With no garden or children to play with, he feels lonely and unhappy, until one night he hears the clock striking thirteen and discovers a secret garden where he makes a new friend, Hatty. Yet it soon becomes clear that his new-found friend is living in another time altogether, and to her, Tom is a sort of ghost. Each time he visits the garden, Hatty has grown older. Finally, on a skating trip up the frozen river in the garden, Hatty and Tom begin to fade and become invisible to each other once more.


Our PE days this term are Tuesday (Tag rugby) and Wednesday (Handball). Children are expected to come in their PE kits on these days. Our PE kit is black joggers or shorts, a plain white t-shirt and green school jumper as usual. Please ensure your child has trainers that are suitable for movement to ensure safety whilst participating. 


A handwriting sheet linked to our spellings will be sent out weekly on a Friday, which is to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. 

Times Tables Rock Stars, for most effective practice, we suggest playing for at least 3 minutes, 4 times a week.

A Maths fluency sheet will be sent out weekly to practice key number skills. 

Reading for 10 minutes per day, with an adult signing their reading record at least 3 times a week

The Year 5 team are:

Rauf: Miss Bishop

Horowitz: Ms Wright

PPA cover: Mr Smith and Mrs Piper

If you need to contact us at any time, please use dojo in the first instance. We are also available on email to help you further:

Miss Bishop (Rauf Class) – 

Ms Wright (Horowitz Class) –  


Website Links: Some useful websites to support your children's learning:

Times Table Rock Stars -  For homework, each child has their own login. Please let us know if you have any problems with access.

Class Dojo - Class Dojo is a global community of more than 50 million teachers and families who come together to share kids’ most important learning moments, in school and at home—through photos, videos, messages, and more.


Please provide your child with fresh drinking water in a resealable bottle daily. Squash or fizzy drinks are not suitable. A piece of fruit or vegetables will be a perfect break-time snack. As the weather is variable this time of year please remember to bring a coat.