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Widden Primary School



Making Writing Special | Adventures in Literacy Land 

Writing at Widden

At Widden Primary School, we strive for our children to be able to express themselves creatively and imaginatively through their writing. When children leave Widden Primary School they should be well-prepared to read and write confidently for a range of purposes and audiences when beginning their senior school English journey.

We follow a carefully thought out writing curriculum that uses inspiring texts to drive writing. The curriculum follows the National Curriculum, progressing through each year group. We have a focus genre for each term which allows children to be fully emersed to gain the knowledge and skills of an independent and creative writer. 

By using the following documents, it ensures that teachers plan effectively for your children. 

Writing Skills Progression:

This document shows the progression of key skills that need to be taught. It gives teachers examples to support their planning. For a child to be judged as working at the expected standard, a pupil’s writing should convincingly meet all the bold statements within that standard.

Narrative Progression & Non-fiction Genre Progression

There are two separate documents – one that covers narrative and another that covers non-fiction genres. They establish the progression of language features that should be seen in a given genre at each year group.

Our Writing Curriculum